Service Standard

Both members and clerks of No 18 are committed to providing the highest level of service, client care, advocacy and advice, ensuring that the needs, concerns and interests of clients are always paramount.

At No 18 we believe that our clients deserve a service upon which they can rely to meet their expectations in a timely, efficient and effective manner.  Customer service is central to the way in which we do business and we are consistently striving to ensure that every client receives a level of service that is second to none.  

You can therefore expect us to:

  • provide  the highest quality of legal advice and advocacy;
  • work in partnership with our lay and professional clients;
  • work with clients in a friendly, efficient and professional manner;
  • provide a professional and personal service tailored to the needs of the individual client;
  • give our professional clients prompt information regarding the progress of their case;
  • agree and adhere to timescales for the completion of paperwork;
  • maintain the highest quality clerking skills focused primarily on the needs of the client;
  • maintain an open and flexible approach to fee structures allowing meet each client’s needs with a tailored approach;
  • maximise the use of new technology to achieve quality and efficiency in all aspects of our service

A copy of our services standards is available to download by following the link below.

Service Standards

If we fail to meet these standards we would welcome your views. Simply complete the feedback form and return it to us.

Alternatively, if you prefer, simply email or call Mark Windebank (Senior Clerk) with your feedback.

Fees and Terms & Conditions

Fair on fees - Fees Tailored for you and your client:

No 18 recognises the need to be fair, flexible, transparent and competitive and we strive to offer premium legal services at competitive prices. Our clerks are always ready to discuss fee structures to meet the client’s budget. Fees are calculated on an individual case basis, taking into account the seniority and experience of the barrister, complexity of the case and the length of time involved in preparation and attending court. No.18 Chambers recognise how specialist advice and advocacy are essential in circumstances that can often be unnerving and time consuming for the client. We as a Chambers are committed to working with you , the client and the firm as part of your team to provide a package of high quality legal advice, professional advisory services and first-rate advocacy. Whether it’s a Family, Employment, Chancery & Commercial, Immigration, Property , Personal Injury or Clinical Negligence case chambers can offer a fee package to meet both your and the clients budget, and we are more than happy to try and tailor our fees to fit. Chambers are able to offer fixed fees with no surprises or hidden extra cost giving your client certainty they need.

Private fees & hourly rates:

Fees are calculated on an individual case basis, taking into account the seniority and experience of the barrister, complexity and any relevant value.

Fixed Fees:

In many cases we are happy to agree a fixed fee for an individual items of work providing certainty to the lay client.

Maximum Fees:

In many cases we are happy to agree a maximum for an individual items of work i.e. : to ‘cap’ the fee agreed to a ‘maximum fee’ so the client is 100 % of his liability in relation to fee’s.

Package Deals:

We are able to offer fee packages in relation to written advisory work, drafting, conferences and representation (for example, a global fee for both a conference and hearing or drafting and a hearing).

Meet the Insurance:

Where the matter is insurance backed, we will do our utmost to work within the rates agreed with each insurance company. Where there are agreed rates (either hourly or fixed) between another Chambers and that insurance firm, we will also do our best to match those fees.

Conditional Fee agreement: (0% Success Guaranteed)

Members undertake work under a variety of conditional fee agreements (CFAs) and in appropriate cases offer 0% success fee. Not all cases are appropriate for CFAs and the barrister concerned may decline to enter into a CFA after considering the merits of the claim/prospects of success. Chambers has a flexible policy on CFAs and will do our best to tailor the agreement to the needs of the case. Our standard arrangements are based on the latest models provided by the Bar Standards Board and specialist bar associations.

No Win Low Fee Agreements:

Where a case is not suitable to take under a traditional CFA, No.18 Strives to offer a feasible alternative in order to make Litigation available to those who would otherwise not be able afford it. Individually calculated on a case to case basis Members undertake work in appropriate cases offering No Win, Low Fee. Not all cases are appropriate for No Win Low Fee Agreements and the barrister concerned may decline to enter into a CFA after considering the merits of the claim/prospects of success. Chambers has a flexible policy on CFAs and will do our best to tailor the agreement to the needs of the case. Our standard arrangements are based on the latest models provided by the Bar Standards Board and specialist bar associations.

Damage Based Agreements:

At No.18 we recognise that, following the introduction of issue fees in employment cases, new methods of funding need to be found in order to bring claims. No.18 are delighted to offer damaged based agreements as a solution. We are committed to assess cases as to whether Damages Based Agreements are an appropriate recourse of funding for a particular lay client in order to allow them to purse their claim.

Legal Aid:

Chambers continues to be committed to undertaking legally aided work and providing the best quality representation to all those who require it.

Terms, Conditions & Payment Terms

FAs of 31st January 2013, due to changes in the Bar Code of Conduct and the introduction of the Standard Conditions of Contract for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons 2012, all members of Chambers are willing to accept instructions on;

  • The Bar Council Standard Contractual Terms
  • COMBAR basis A

Unless any preference is expressed at the time of booking, the booking will be accepted subject to Chambers’ Standard Contractual Terms.

Members of Chambers are willing to consider alternative terms on a case-by-case basis, for further information, please contact the Clerks.

Complaints Procedure

We will always do our best to address your concerns or complaints immediately. We aim to provide an excellent quality of service at all times. However, if you have a complaint we invite you to follow the procedure below.

Please address all complaints, either written or by telephone to the Senior Clerk, Mark Windebank (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). If the complaint is about the Senior Clerk, please address it to the Head of Chambers, Tracey Hennessey. In any event, the complaint will be dealt with by someone other than the person you are complaining about. (Please note that we will not consider complaints raised more than six months after the relevant event).

Complaints made by telephone

You may wish to make a complaint in writing.   However, if you would rather speak on the telephone about your complaint then please telephone Chambers.

A record of the complaint will be made and what you would like to be done about it. They will discuss your concerns with you and aim to resolve them. If the matter is resolved they will record the outcome, check that you are satisfied with the outcome and record that you are satisfied. You may also wish to record the outcome of the telephone discussion in writing.

If your complaint is not resolved on the telephone you will be invited to write to us about it so it can be investigated formally.

Complaints made in Writing

  • Please make clear your name and contact details, which Member of Chambers you are complaining about, the precise nature of your complaint and how you would like it to be resolved.
  • If in writing, your complaint will be acknowledged where possible within 2 days and considered and actioned by the Senior Clerk/Head of Chambers within 14 days. If a telephone complaint cannot be resolved there and then you will be invited to put your concerns in writing within 14 days.
  • The substantive reply will include: the nature and scope of the investigation, a conclusion on each complaint and the basis for this conclusion, and in the case of a complaint which is found to be justified, proposals for resolution.
  • All complaints are kept strictly confidential. If we cannot resolve your complaint internally, there are alternative bodies such as ProMediate able to deal with complaints should we both wish to use such a scheme.

  • If you are dissatisfied with a decision or any part of it, you may ask for it to be reviewed within Chambers and/or you may refer the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman.
  • A record will be kept of all complaints and resolutions, conversations and correspondence relating to them.

Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman

We hope that you will use our procedure. However if you would rather not do so or are unhappy with the outcome you may take up your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman.

The Legal Ombudsman will consider complaints within 1 years of the date of the act or omission taking place (but will not accept complaints about acts or omissions that took place before 5th October 2010) or within 1 years from when you should reasonably have known that there were grounds for complaint. However, the Legal Ombudsman does have discretion to extend these time limits where it is fair and reasonable to do so. The complaint must be brought to the Legal Ombudsman within 6 months of you receiving a final response from No.18.

It is important to note that the Legal Ombudsman is not able to consider a complaint until it has first been investigated by Chambers.

You can write to the Legal Ombudsman at: Office of the Legal Services Ombudsman, PO Box 15870, Birmingham B30 9EB. T: 0300 555 0333 (charged at local rates – available nationally from mobiles and landlines). Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , See also or click here to download the leaflet. From 22 January 2024 all written correspondence should be sent to: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH

The Legal Ombudsman's decision data can be found here.

Complaints to the Bar Standards Board

If your complaint concerns a barrister who is not representing you and you are not satisfied with the outcome of our internal client satisfaction procedure, you should contact the Bar Standards Board. They can be contacted online, by telephone on 020 7611 1444 or in writing at: Bar Standards Board, 289-293 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ.

Any member who wishes to make a complaint regarding a breach of this policy should in the first instance contact Sara Chalk, Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Officer.

Internal Chambers review

The Complaints Panel reports annually to the Management Committee of Chambers on the number of complaints received, the subject areas of the complaints and the outcomes. The information provided is anonymised. The Management Committee reviews this information for trends and possible training issues.

Time Limits

Both the Legal Ombudsman and the Bar Standards Board will normally only consider complaints made within 12 months of the act or omission complained of (or 12 months of the date when you knew or could reasonably have been expected to know that there was reason for making the complaint).

But, if you have complained first to Chambers within that time frame and then complain to the Legal Ombudsman and/or the Bar Standards Board promptly afterwards, they will normally consider your complaint.


All conversations and documents relating to the complaint will be treated as confidential and will be disclosed only to the extent that is necessary. Disclosure will be to the Head of Chambers, members of our Management Committee and to anyone involved in the complaint and its investigation. Such people will include the barrister, member or staff who you have complained about and the person who investigates the complaint.

The Bar Standards Board is entitled to inspect the documents and seek information about the complaint when discharging its auditing and monitoring functions.

Record Keeping

As part of our commitment to client care, we make a written record of formal complaints and retain all documents and correspondence generated by the complaint for a period of 6 years. A summary of the (anonymised) record is inspected regularly with a view to improving services.

Privacy Policy

No18 Chambers Client Privacy Policy Statement

In this Privacy Policy the terms, 'we' or 'us' is No18 Chambers

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to keeping your information secure and managing it in accordance with our legal responsibilities under applicable data protection laws. We are registered with the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a data controller under registration number Z7725091

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as it contains important information to help you understand how and why we process any personal information that you give to us.

What Information We Collect

We process personal information which you give us:

  • As a client to provide you with access to a Barrister/legal services.
  • Whilst servicing your account through our website, by e-mail, in writing or over the phone.
  • If you request information or assistance from us.

What personal information we process

This includes:

  • Personal details such as your date of birth, address, National Insurance Number, telephone number and email address.
  • Identity information such as your passport, driving licence, utility bills or national identity card.
  • Family, lifestyle, financial and social circumstances.
  • Financial details such as your income and information about your bank accounts.
  • Employment/self-employment details.

Special Categories of Personal Data

Special categories of personal data include information about an individual's health and other categories of personal information which are closely protected.

We do not generally process such information unless you have voluntarily provided this to us, or it is relevant to the Direct Access Service you have asked us to provide you with. For example, in Family & Matrimonial matters, or where you have advised us of an issue, such as your health, which could mean that you may be classed as a “vulnerable client” i.e. due to your personal circumstances or personal characteristics you are particularly vulnerable to financial detriment. We will process sensitive information where you have provided this information to us and have agreed that we can use this information to deliver products and services to you. Where possible we shall seek to minimise the collection and use of such special categories of personal data.

How we use your Information

We use your information to:

  • Provide and service your relationship with us.
  • Comply with legal obligations for the prevention of financial crime and money laundering.
  • Provide Direct Access Barrister services to you.

We will process your information in order to meet our contractual obligations to you, were have a legitimate interest to do so, where we are permitted by law or to comply with applicable laws and regulation.


Providing a service and internal processingTo assess your needs and provide you with suitable Barrister services

  • To service and administer your matter including billing
  • To verify the identity of our clients
  • To confirm, update and improve our client records
  • To provide you with any information on the services that you have requested

Relationship Management

  • To manage and develop our relationship with you
  • To inform you of products and services that may be of interest to you, where you have chosen to be made aware of this

Training and development

  • For training purposes and to improve our service to you

Complying with Legal Obligations

  • To prevent, investigate and prosecute crime, fraud and money laundering
  • For auditing purpose
  • If we are obliged to disclose information by reason of any law, regulation or court order


  • To transfer information to any entity which may acquire rights in us
  • For any other purpose to which you agree.     

Legal Basis

  • Contractual obligation to provide you with, or a proposal including a costs estimate
  • Where special categories of personal data are processed, these are necessary to assess your needs
  • Legitimate interests to provide and manage the service
  • To comply with legal obligations to prevent money laundering
  • To comply with legal obligations in the Data Protection legislation
  • To meet our contractual obligation to provide information on the services you have requested
  • Legitimate interest to service your matter and improve our service to you
  • With your consent
  • Legitimate interests to improve our services and develop our employees
  • To comply with legal obligations for prevention of financial crime and money laundering
  • To comply with our legitimate interest to conduct audits
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • Legitimate interests for commercial interests
  • With your consent

How we retain your personal information

We will retain your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or anonymise personal information we no longer need for the purposes we have set out above. (This includes are aim to return or destroy case papers after the conclusion of a particular hearing/conference or paperwork).

Our retention periods are:

Type of personal Information

Retention Period

General personal data which includes your normal personal data, personal identity and personal financial data

7 years after the end of our business relationship with you, or the end of your matter which ever comes later

Client Due Diligence Material which includes copies of your Passport, Drivers Licence, Bank Statements and any associated documents and explanations you have given to us to prevent fraud, financial crime and money laundering

7 years after the end of our business relationship with you, or the end of your matter which ever comes later

Special categories of personal data

7 years after the end of our relationship with you

Call recordings

1 year


How we share your information

Where necessary or required we share information with:

  • Regulatory authorities to comply with our legal obligations.
  • Other Government Departments such as HMRC, Companies House, Probate Registry, Court of Protection or HM Land Registry to fulfil your and our legal obligations.
  • Experts required to work on your matter.
  • Our Auditors and external assessment bodies to achieve and maintain any Regulatory Compliance, to meet our legal obligations and enable us to provide quality services to you.

Information Security

We invest appropriate resources to protect your personal information, from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. However, no internet-based site can be 100% secure and we cannot be held responsible for unauthorised or unintended access that is beyond our control.


We will keep this Privacy Policy under review and make updates from time to time. Any minor changes to this Privacy Statement will be posted on this page and we will communicate any major changes to you.


Our website uses cookies (including Google Analytics cookies to obtain an overall view of visitor habits and visitor volumes to our Website).

Your Rights

You have the right to request copies of your personal information. If you think any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, you may also request it is corrected or erased. You also have a right, in certain circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal information, to require us to stop processing your personal information and/or to withdraw your agreement to processing based on 'consent', but this does not apply where we have other legal justifications to continue processing your data or an overriding legitimate interest.

In relation to all of these rights, please write to us at the address below.

Complaints Process

If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information you may contact us using the details below and we will investigate your complaint. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office - (   

Contact Us

You can contact us by writing to us at:

No18 Chambers

21 Carlton Crescent


SO15 2ET

Telephone queries can be made to 02380 736812